FEEDBACK NavigationHomeTREATMENTSHAIR & SHAVINGYOGASpecialsFEEDBACKGalleryYOGATREATMENTSTerms And Conditions. We Value your Feedback Key 1 – Excellent 2 – Very Good 3 – Good 4 – Fair 5 – Needs improvement First name Last name Email How efficiently and professionally was your enquiry dealt with? 12345 Booking Process How efficiently and professionally was your enquiry dealt with? 12345 Were you given all the information you needed? 12345 Please write down any comments or suggestions that could have improved your booking enquiry Overall Facilities How satisfied were you with the overall cleanliness of the Spa? 12345 If this was your first visit, how efficiently was your introduction to the facilities dealt with? 12345 Please write down any comments or suggestions The Treatment How would you rate your treatment/s? 12345 Please write down what treatment/s you had Check Out Please rate the time the staff took to ensure your overall time met with your expectations? 12345 Please rate how accurate your bill was when it was presented to you. 12345 Please rate the overall efficiency of the check out. 12345 Please write down any comments or suggestions Employees in general How did the appearance of the staff reflect your expectations from your experience at the spa? 12345 Please rate how professionally the service in general was delivered. 12345 How approachable were the staff in all areas of the spa? 12345 Please write the name of the therapist/s that gave you your treatment How would you rate your therapist's performance? 12345 Did you experience any form of exceptional attention during your time with us? yesno Overall Please write down any comments or suggestions on your overall experience with us and also the name of any staff member who made you feel "special" during your visit. How likely are you to recommend Bustani Day Spa to a friend or colleague? 12345 Fieldset Do you read or use online review sites? Have you visited any other Spas? yesNo HOMETREATMENTSHAIR & SHAVINGYOGASpecialsGALLERYFEEDBACKCONTACT US